The Animated Archive is the concept that inspires the entire museum program and it is a formula created by Jeffery T. Schnapp, reference figure in the field of digital humanities.
The Fondazione is transforming itself into a laboratory that serves at once as an exhibition space and as a living archive. The aim is to privilege multiplicity, simultaneity, and nimbleness through recourse to exhibition formats that are hybrid, fresh and novel.


The Fondazione’s exhibition space and new headquarters is located in San Lazzaro di Savena, a few kilometers from Bologna. It is a building with a strong symbolic connotation in the context of twentieth-century Italian architecture and design, as it was envisioned by Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni in 1960 for Dino Gavina.

The building reflects an interest in the farms and barns that remains a key feature, to this day, of Emilia’s rural architecture and landscape.