The birth of Made in Italy
24 October 2019Ritratto di donna. Il sogno degli anni Venti e lo sguardo di Ubaldo Oppi
29 November 2019Fondazione Cirulli participates in the exhibition Arcadia e Apocalisse with a work by the artist Gennaro Favai.
The exhibition investigates the role played in the visual arts by creative thinking on landscape, since this genre pictorial inherited from the eighteenth century as a reflection of nature in art in antithesis to History and Myth, frees itself from stereotypes.
December 8, 2019 - April 26, 2020
Arcadia e Apocalisse. Paesaggi italiani in 150 anni di arte, fotografia, video e installazioni
Palazzo Pretorio Pontedera - Palp, Pontedera (Pisa)