Jewel City. Art of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition
11 October 2015Across art and fashion
10 May 2016Modern Italian painting developed through the active debate between two generations of artists. For the first time, the phases of this evolution will be presented in an exhaustive, European-level exhibition that will display seventy masterpieces from important public and private collections.
Divisionism, a 19th century art movement that often denounced the dramatic living conditions of the lower classes in the newly founded Italian kingdom, understood contemporary research on color theory as a valid medium for the expression of modern issues.
It is through study of color refraction and light that Futurists found the means to translate into images the dynamism of the new urban life.
February 9 - June 9, 2016
Dal Divisionismo al Futurismo. Arte Italiana verso la modernità
Fundaciòn Mapfre, Madrid