Anton Giulio Bragaglia. L’archivio di un visionario
26 November 2021Women in balance. 1955 – 1965
19 November 2022The exhibition project, from an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi and curated by Alessandra Tiddia, focuses on the reception of Giotto's painting within the figurative culture of the twentieth century through a careful investigation of the relationships that Italian and non-Italian artists were able to weave with Giotto's legacy. Fondazione Cirulli participates with the loan of three important works: Leo Longanesi, A Tavola (1917), Luigi (Gigiotti) Zanini, Città Metafisica e Cavalieri (1922), Ram, Le Retour (1930).
December 7,2022 - June 4, 2023
Giotto e il Novecento
Mart, Museum of modern and contemporary art of Trento and Rovereto